Our 4 Must-Have "Survivor" Songs – VIDEO VERSION – for JK-2 Teachers/Caregivers! Ideal for movement breaks and transitions.
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Features 4 highly engaging movement-to-music VIDEOS (available as streams only) supporting self-regulation and reflex integration. They make learning easier and improve reading and writing skills while stimulating the brainstem and neo cortex to help with focusing and calming. Easy to do in the classroom, the gym, outdoors, or at home! Perfect for "purposeful" movement breaks/activities!
Includes 16-page comprehensive Educational Manual (printable PDF version included), featuring easy-to-follow activities and movement rationale! (NOTE: Your access to the video streams is unlimited/perpetual. Downloads are not available.)
IMPORTANCE In recent years, we’ve noticed a real change in the students that we teach. Teachers need support more than ever to help with the challenges in our classrooms. We've crafted these guided-movement songs to focus specifically on the reflexes we see active in children that cause the behavior & learning problems evident in every classroom.
Recommended for all children ages 3 – 8.
Introductory Special: $17.99 USD
Purchase the rights to unlimited video streaming access for all 4 videos – plus receive printable PDF of Educational Manual.
More InfoStream up to 1080p from this website. Access lasts for an unlimited duration. | |
Gain access to 1 files to download & play in your player of choice. |
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BENEFITS: Movements in the "The Silly Seal Slide" help develop neck and back strength, improve concentration, and support integration of the Tonic Labyrinthe (TLR) & Landau Reflexes.